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We invite you to use our Community Soapbox to engage in insightful conversations about issues in the community. We reserve the right at all times to remove any information or materials that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable to us, and to disclose any information necessary to satisfy the law, regulation or government request. We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions.
DemJones on Aug 23, 2022 8:01 AM
Progressives must NOT sit out this year's midterm elections! This election is far too important, both for the party and the country. Make sure to get involved these next two months - volunteer at a phone bank, write post cards supporting… See Comments
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The He-Man Woman-Hater’s Club

September 17, 2024
When I was in 4th grade, my classmates played a crude game we called “War.” Boys lined up on one side of the playground, girls on the other. At a signal, both sides ran headfirst towards… Read More

Happy Warriors (And Why We Need Them)

September 17, 2024
“Does anybody remember laughter?” So uttered singer Robert Plant during a Led Zeppelin show at Madison Square Garden in 1976. Yes, it’s pretty 70s cringe (as even Plant admits), but… Read More

The Longest Year

September 17, 2024
I was at a gathering recently where several people noted how stressed they were about the upcoming election and wondering how long they could get through another 70 or so days of whatever THIS is. We… Read More

Beware The Coming Shenanigans

September 17, 2024
We’ve been here before. In 2016, Hillary Clinton was in position to beat Donald Trump. The polls looked good. Then, James Comey announced that the FBI was re-opening an investigation into her… Read More

Mass Deportation: The Cruelty Is The Point

September 17, 2024
A big focus of Trump’s campaign, and by extension the Project 2025 agenda he plans to enact, are the immediate deportations of up to 12 million undocumented immigrants. He’s promised that… Read More

The Need for Background Checks on Candidates

July 18, 2024
For almost 250 years, our elected officials have run for office more or less on the “honor system.” The only legal requirements to run include being a natural born citizen, being a… Read More

Won’t Get Fooled Again (Or Will We?)

July 18, 2024
In September of 2016, candidate Hillary Clinton appeared to suffer some kind of health event while campaigning. The media tore into it like a pack of hyenas and pumped out story after story about… Read More

(Way, Way) Back To the Future

July 12, 2024
The conservative members of the Supreme Court have been busy of late with their trebuchet (popular in the 6th century), doing their level-best to launch us back to eras past. It began in 2010 with… Read More
There are
Democrats in Michigan

Latest News

Michigan Leaders Call Out Mike Rogers for Being “One of Congress’ Leading Advocates” For Big Pharma, Opioid Manufacturers

September 19, 2024
LANSING — On Sep 18th, state Representative Julie Brixie, Care Free Medical CEO Dr. Farhan Bhatti, and veteran Valerie Johnson slammed Mike Rogers for being a “leading advocate for… Read More

ICYMI: Mike Rogers “Exacerbated the Nation’s Opioid Crisis as Michiganders “Point to the Money” Rogers Took from Big Pharma

September 19, 2024
WLNS: Michigan leaders “point to the money that [Mike Rogers] the Republican candidate for Michigan U.S. Senate seat has taken from the pharmaceutical industry.” LANSING — More… Read More

Statement: Michigan Dems Chair Welcomes VP Harris Back to Michigan

September 19, 2024
LANSING — On Sep 19th, Vice President Kamala Harris will hold a live-streamed rally, titled “Unite for America,” in Detroit with Oprah Winfrey to bring together and energize voters… Read More

Statement: Michigan Dems Chair Celebrates National Voter Registration Day

September 17, 2024
Chair Barnes encourages all Michiganders to register to vote on Sep 17th’s holiday LANSING — With under 50 days until the election, Michigan Democrats are celebrating National Voter… Read More

Statement: Michigan Dems Chair Rejects Trump and Vance’s Extremist Double-Header

September 17, 2024
Ahead of Trump’s town hall and Vance’s Sparta visit, Chair Barnes reminds voters of their history of lies LANSING — On Sep 17th, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are coming back to… Read More