Tax Day Contrast: Trump’s Tax Scam Left Oklahoma Families Behind and Gifted Handouts to Billionaires

April 15, 2024

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – This Tax Day, while Trump and MAGA Republicans continue to push handouts for the wealthy and big corporations, the Oklahoma Democratic Party released the following statement:

“While Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans side with the wealthy and big corporations, President Biden is fighting to make the tax code fairer for Oklahoma families. President Biden is cutting taxes for Oklahoma families and workers, making corporations and the uber-wealthy pay their fair share, and ensuring billionaires can’t cheat on their taxes at the expense of hardworking taxpayers. In sharp contrast, Trump wants to cut taxes for the wealthiest corporations and billionaires while leaving Oklahoma families behind. From raising costs for working people to cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act, Trump wants to make it harder for everyday Oklahomans to get ahead. This November, Oklahoma voters will reject Trump and MAGA Republicans’ failed trickle-down agenda and send President Biden and Vice President Harris back to the White House to fight for working families and ensure corporations and billionaires pay their fair share.

MAGA Republicans want to expand Trump’s extreme tax scam to give handouts to the wealthy and big corporations and raise costs on middle-class Oklahoma families by:

  • Making Trump’s extreme tax scam cuts permanent, which would result in an average tax cut for the wealthiest .01 percent of Americans 100 times more than the tax cut for lower- and middle-income Oklahoma. In 2020 alone, Trump’s tax cuts gave the wealthiest 1 percent of Oklahomans an average of $44,150 in tax cuts while the poorest Oklahomans received an average tax cut of $50.
  • Giving an additional $600 billion in giveaways to giant corporations — on top of the Trump tax cuts.
  • Blocking President Biden’s tax reforms, including his global minimum tax agreement, and reversing President Biden’s tax minimums on billion-dollar corporations and his tax on stock buybacks, which would result in low taxes on corporations.
    Making it easier for the wealthy and big corporations to cheat on their taxes by eliminating the Inflation Reduction Act’s investment in the IRS.
  • Cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

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