Sullivan and Jerman Will Not Run for Democratic National Committee Positions

February 28, 2024

Mary Sullivan and Tim Jerman announced today that they will not seek re-election to four-year terms as Vermont’s representatives to the Democratic National Committee in Washington, DC. The positions are open every four years and elections will take place on May 18, 2024 at the quadrennial State Democratic

Convention in Burlington. At-large delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago (August 19-22) will also be chosen on May 18.

In addition to the Committeewoman & Committeeman, the Vermont

Democratic Party Chair and Vice-chair are also members of the DNC.

Mary Sullivan has been the DNC Committeewoman since July, 2016:

“It’s been a great experience at the DNC. You get to see Vermont’s important influence on national politics. As a long-time supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders, watching his efforts to promote democracy as a presidential candidate made me so proud of Vermont, as did the amazing work of Senator Leahy, now Senator Welch, and new Congresswoman Becca Balint. We have an amazing Vermont team.”

Tim Jerman has been DNC Committeeman since 2020 and a member of the DNC since 2013 as Vice-chair of the Vermont Democratic Party:

“The election of a Democratic President is of course the primary job of the DNC. But supporting state parties, which Howard Dean popularized as DNC Chair, is critical to that goal. It’s been an honor to serve with current chair Jaime Harrison of South Carolina, who has championed strong state parties and inclusion of all groups in our “big tent”. Going forward, presidential primaries and caucuses will continue to evolve and be contentious issues. My hope is that the current stalemate with “first-in-the-nation” status can be solved to everyone’s satisfaction by instituting regional primary dates, beginning with New England in 2028. This would ensure that small flyover states like Vermont get to see candidates in person and participate fully in the presidential selection process”.

Mary and Tim are grateful for all the support given to them by Vermont Democrats over the years and know that others are ready to step up to serve. Both DNC terms end officially on the last day of the National Convention in August. The VDP is incredibly grateful to Mary and Tim for the amount of time and work they have and continue to put into making the VDP wonderful.

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