NHDP Statement on Republican Primary Result

January 23, 2024

CONCORD, NH - NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement on the results of the New Hampshire Republican Primary:

“Tonight confirmed what Granite Staters have known for months: the Republican Party is all in on the extreme MAGA agenda. Every time he set foot in New Hampshire, Donald Trump doubled down on his plans to ban abortion nationwide, give handouts to the ultra-rich and big corporations while leaving working families behind, and undermine our democracy. Trump is running on the same unpopular MAGA agenda that caused him to lose New Hampshire twice, failed to win election denier Don Bolduc a Senate seat, and helped lead to Democratic victories in special elections last year. 

“The stakes in 2024 are higher than ever, and the choice is clear. We are in a fight to ensure every Granite Stater has more freedoms and not fewer; every working family can put a roof over their heads and food on their table; and our country’s democratic values prevail over Trump’s attempts to undermine them. New Hampshire Democrats are ready to organize and mobilize to reject Trump once again and reelect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris this November.”

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