Ayotte Stands by Disgraced Supporter Jon Stone Even After New Reporting Shows He Was Fired Following Alleged Racist, Homophobic and Misogynistic Tirades

July 10, 2024

Ayotte refuses to comment and still touts Stone’s support publicly

A new investigative report published by InDepthNH reveals that New Hampshire state Representative Jon Stone, an early supporter of Republican Kelly Ayotte’s campaign for governor, was fired from the Vermont Department of Corrections after allegedly “using racist, sexist, and homophobic insults, intimidating co-workers and making them fear his retaliation, and even getting a gay colleague to quit.”

According to transcripts from his grievance hearing, Stone allegedly “called a gay co-worker a ‘f****,’ called female co-workers ‘c—-,’ and ‘fat cows’ and called others ‘r*tards.’” The records also show that Stone allegedly used the term “w*tb*ck,” and displayed a pattern of behavior that prompted one co-worker to claim that Stone was “homophobic and racist all at the same time.” 

The accusations that Stone “created… a dangerous work environment and people felt intimidated by him” are the latest example of the Ayotte ally’s disturbing conduct. Months ago, it was also reported that Stone “threatened to kill fellow police officers in a shooting spree, and murder his chief after raping the chief’s wife and children, all while he was already under scrutiny for his inappropriate relationship with a teen girl.” 

Ayotte’s campaign has refused to comment on the new allegations, and despite his deeply troubling track record, continues to display Stone’s endorsement on her website and promote her campaign activities with him on her social media.

“In addition to his previously reported despicable behavior, Stone is now on the record allegedly spewing slurs about women, Latinos, those with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community,” said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley. “Stone’s is the type of behavior that should be easy to condemn. Instead of doing so and standing up for the Granite Staters she is supposedly running to represent, Ayotte again chooses to stand by Jon Stone – because she values political endorsements and her own political career over Granite Staters.”

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