NHDP Statement on Chris Sununu's Final State of the State

February 15, 2024

CONCORD, NH - Below is a statement from NHDP Chair Ray Buckley following Governor Chris Sununu’s final State of the State address:

“Chris Sununu opening his final State of the State address with ‘fourth term don’t care’ was a perfect encapsulation of his failures to support Granite Staters as governor. Throughout his speech, Sununu lied about his record while taking credit for accomplishments by the Biden-Harris administration, New Hampshire’s all-Democratic federal delegation, and Democrats across the state. The reality is Sununu signed New Hampshire’s first modern abortion ban into law, vetoed common-sense gun safety legislation, and stood idly by while his MAGA minions in the State Legislature waged dangerous culture wars. He railed against critical legislation like the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, which created good-paying jobs, lowered prescription drug costs, invested in infrastructure, and strengthened public safety.

“At every turn, Sununu failed to step up and do his job — and Granite Staters paid the price. Now, Republicans like Kelly Ayotte and Chuck Morse are running to not only continue Sununu’s failures, but make things worse. Ayotte and Morse would rip away reproductive access, undermine public education, and enable the NHGOP’s war on our freedoms and democratic values.

“This November, voters will have a choice between Democrats’ successes and the failed Republican extremism that Ayotte and Morse are running on. Today, we’re one step closer to electing a pro-choice Democrat to the Corner Office, so we can finally be proud of our governor again.”

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