NHDP Statement on Black History Month

February 1, 2024

CONCORD, NH - NHDP African American Caucus Chair Melanie Levesque released the following statement in celebration of Black History Month:

“Today marks the beginning of Black History Month, a time to reflect and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Americans. Black Americans are the backbone of our nation, and our resilience, strength, and brilliance has sparked change across generations. Black history is American history, and we must remember it every day. 

“We honor the giants of the civil rights movement like Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., John Lewis, and Ida B. Wells; the suffragists like Mary-Ann Shadd Cary and Mary Church Terrell who secured women’s rights to vote; the activists like Marsha P. Johnson and Zazu Nova who fought for gay liberation; and so many more. These leaders paved the way for us to have our first Black Vice President, Kamala Harris, our first Black woman on the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and our first Black House Minority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries. We see the sacrifices of Black leaders in the freedoms we enjoy today, and each one of us is better because of their fights for justice. Here in New Hampshire, Black Americans have made great strides winning elections in local and state government, rising into the circles of power and influence in the business, academic, nonprofit and faith communities. 

“While our country has made historic strides towards equality, the legacy of enslavement and Jim Crow is still alive. Black Americans — including in the Granite State — still struggle with racism, economic injustice, housing disparities, and health care discrimination. On the path towards true justice, our work is just beginning. New Hampshire Democrats are committed to uplifting Black voices and working towards an equitable future for all. Join us.”

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