McLean Soapbox

We invite you to use our Community Soapbox to engage in insightful conversations about issues in the community. We reserve the right at all times to remove any information or materials that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable to us, and to disclose any information necessary to satisfy the law, regulation or government request. We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions.
DemJones on Aug 23, 2022 8:01 AM
Progressives must NOT sit out this year's midterm elections! This election is far too important, both for the party and the country. Make sure to get involved these next two months - volunteer at a phone bank, write post cards supporting… See Comments
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Won’t Get Fooled Again (Or Will We?)

July 18, 2024
In September of 2016, candidate Hillary Clinton appeared to suffer some kind of health event while campaigning. The media tore into it like a pack of hyenas and pumped out story after story about… Read More

(Way, Way) Back To the Future

July 12, 2024
The conservative members of the Supreme Court have been busy of late with their trebuchet (popular in the 6th century), doing their level-best to launch us back to eras past. It began in 2010 with… Read More

Americas Cult Problem

July 12, 2024
Since Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying records to keep damaging information from 2016 voters, the reaction from his followers has been…interesting. A few years ago, they… Read More

The Era of Stupid

July 12, 2024
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. We’ve always been surrounded by those who are, shall we say, a… Read More

Thou Shalt Not

July 12, 2024
Second grader raises hand: “Mrs. Jones, what’s ‘adultery’?” Mrs. Jones: [long, awkward pause] “Um….” So, Louisiana just went there, signing a bill… Read More

The Flag Problem

June 3, 2024
The American flag is an important symbol for our country. From elementary school classrooms to sporting events to veteran parades, the showing of the Stars and Stripes holds us together in our… Read More

Who are the Real "Welfare Queens"?

June 3, 2024
At one of his recent Shrimp ‘n Disco grift events at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump asked the rich oil executives in attendance for $1 billion (with a “B”) as a campaign. It would… Read More

A Genius Solution to the Housing Crisis

May 15, 2024
The mall. A fixture on the American landscape since 1956, when the first one opened in Edina, MN. Through the decades, the mall has been the place to do your back-to-school or holiday shopping or, if… Read More
There are
Democrats in Virginia

Latest News

ICYMI: Eugene Vindman Launches New TV Ad, Highlighting Derrick Anderson’s Extreme Position on Reproductive Freedoms

September 12, 2024
On Sep 12th, ahead of next week’s debates and forums with his opponent Derrick Anderson, Eugene Vindman released a new digital ad to remind voters just how extreme Anderson is. As pointed out… Read More

Democrats On Offense In Rural Virginia, Republicans In Disarray

September 6, 2024
Democrats are seeing overwhelming energy and enthusiasm in traditional Republican bastions in Virginia as the Commonwealth enters the home stretch of the 2024 election. Meanwhile, Republicans are… Read More

DPVA Statement on Extremist Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears Running for Governor

September 5, 2024
On Sep 5th, Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears announced her run for governor. Lt. Gov. Earle-Sears has a record of extremism, and she would push an extreme anti-abortion,… Read More

Hung Cao Avoids Facing Virginians By Himself

September 4, 2024
Richmond, VA – With recent campaign appearances of Hung Cao with a parade of handlers, and yesterday avoiding speaking at the Buena Vista Labor Day Festival, it raises the question: can Hung… Read More

ICYMI: Virginia Leaders On Harris-Walz Housing Plan

September 1, 2024
On Wednesday, August 28th, Congressman Don Beyer, House of Delegates Majority Leader Charniele Herring, Delegate Alfonso Lopez, and Alexandria City Councilman John Taylor Chapman held a virtual press… Read More