Tim Sheehy’s Answer to Montanans’ Questions: No Comment

September 16, 2024

Sheehy hides from his record by refusing to answer questions from Montanans or press about his lies about his biography and harmful policy positions

Helena, MT – Since August, Tim Sheehy has refused to comment 22 times. 

Sheehy has refused to answer why he opposes Montanans’ reproductive freedoms, why he lied about his military record by falsely claiming he parachuted into Glacier National Park, why his top TV validator believes Sheehy wants to transfer public lands, why his campaign and staff post antisemitic memes, why he worked with lobbyists to kill a bill to protect Montanans’ privacy, why he made offensive comments about Native Americans, and why lies and inconsistencies plague his campaign.

  • Daily Montanan, August 7: “Neither the Sheehy campaign nor the Gallatin County Republicans responded to questions or interview requests from the Daily Montanan.”
  • Heartland Signal, August 19: “The Sheehy campaign did not respond to a request for comment.”
  • Daily Montanan, August 22: “A spokesperson for the Sheehy campaign did not respond to a question about his statements.”
  • HuffPost, August 23: “Campaign spokesperson Katie Martin [...] did not respond when asked why Sheehy chose to feature someone he does not see eye-to-eye with — particularly on the very subject of the advertisement.”
  • Daily Montanan, August 29: “Sheehy did not respond to questions sent this week to two campaign staff members asking for details about the claim.”
  • Char-Koosta News, August 29 (Updated September 4): “Char-Koosta News is working to verify the audio, and actively reaching out to the Sheehy campaign for comment. September 4, 2024: As of today, the Tim Sheehy campaign has not responded to our requests for comments.”
  • Native News Online, September 2: “Native News Online reached out to the Sheehy for Montana campaign for a comment. At press time, there was no response.”
  • New York Times, September 3: “A spokeswoman for Mr. Sheehy’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.”
  • Daily Montanan, September 3: “The Daily Montanan reached out to Sheehy’s campaign for comment when news first broke on Sunday, but as of Tuesday, had received no comment or explanation.”
  • Daily Montanan, September 4: “When the recordings first surfaced, as reported by the Char-Koosta News, the official publication of the Flathead Indian Reservation, the Daily Montanan reached out the Sheehy campaign. It did not respond. Now, after a barrage of media coverage, local, state and national, Sheehy’s camp is still not commenting, after the Daily Montanan reached out again on Wednesday.”
  • Flathead Beacon, September 4: “The Sheehy campaign did not respond to a request for comment about the Crow Tribe remarks.”
  • MSNBC, September 4: “Sheehy's campaign did not immediately respond to MSNBC’s request for comment on Wednesday, but his spokesperson, Jack O’Brien, did not dispute the veracity of the recordings to The Associated Press.”
  • Montana Free Press, September 4: “Sheehy’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment from Montana Free Press.”
  • AP News, September 4: “A Sheehy campaign spokesperson did not dispute the authenticity of the recordings [...] He did not say if Sheehy would apologize or otherwise respond to the tribal leaders’ request.”
  • HuffPost, September 4: “Sheehy’s campaign has largely remained silent despite his remarks receiving national media attention. The campaign did not respond to HuffPost’s multiple requests for comment.”
  • Washington Post, September 5: “The Sheehy campaign did not respond to requests for comment.”
  • NBC Montana, September 6: “NBC Montana reached out to Sheehy’s campaign to see if he planned to issue a statement on the situation. We did not receive a response.”
  • NBC Montana, September 10: “Sam Sandoval, the editor for the official news publication of the Flathead Indian Reservation, said they made multiple attempts to reach out to Sheehy’s campaign but have not received a response.”
  • NBC Montana, September 10: “Sheehy has not responded to NBC Montana’s multiple requests for a comment.”
  • Missoulian, September 10: “Sheehy did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday. He also did not respond to Lee Montana when the story was initially reported last week.”
  • NonStop Local, September 10: “Since the story began circulating, NonStop Local has made multiple attempts to reach out to Sheehy's campaign for a response. We reached out again to share the Chairman’s statement with them, but still no response has been received.”
  • NonStop Local, September 10: “Sheehy does not appear to have issued a public apology for his earlier remarks, and a spokesperson for Sheehy’s campaign did not respond to an email sent late Tuesday afternoon.”
  • MTN News, September 12: “MTN News reached out to Sheehy's campaign for comment Wednesday but did not get a response. Sheehy has not commented on the remarks anywhere since they were released, even avoiding an MTN reporter during a campaign event in Billings last Wednesday after the story became public.”

Montanans deserve answers to their questions, not a politician who runs from reporters and voters. It’s time for Sheehy to step up and explain his egregious record instead of hiding from his own words.

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