Senator Peter Welch Supports Nomination of Julie Su for Secretary of the Department of Labor

May 1, 2023

Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) met today, on International Workers’ Day, with Julie Su, who has been nominated by President Biden to serve as Secretary of the Department of Labor. Su, who is currently Acting Secretary of Labor and served as Deputy Secretary of Labor prior to the departure of former Secretary Marty Walsh, advanced out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee last week.   

“Julie Su is an accomplished, qualified, and passionate advocate for American workers, and is working tirelessly to create good-paying jobs across the United States,” said Sen. Welch following the meeting. “Under the leadership of President Biden and Secretary Marty Walsh, we’ve seen 12.6 million jobs created and among the lowest unemployment rates of the last 50 years. As Deputy Secretary of Labor, Su played a pivotal role in these victories, advancing policies that empower workers, raise wages, and help build our economy from the bottom up and the middle out. She is the ideal candidate to continue the work begun under Secretary Walsh, and I am proud to support her nomination for Secretary of Labor.” 

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