New Op-Ed: “Sheehy Wants Abortion ‘All To End Tomorrow’”

September 9, 2024

Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan: “We can’t let an out-of-state multimillionaire, who doesn’t seem to understand anything about Montana, come in and take away our freedoms”

Helena, MT – In a new op-ed, Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan outlined Tim Sheehy’s agenda to take away Montanans’ freedoms, after reporting revealed that Sheehy said he wants abortion “all to end tomorrow."

Read more below:

Billings Gazette: Sheehy wants abortion 'all to end tomorrow'
September 7, 2024
Sheila Hogan, Montana Democratic Party Executive Director

  • If there is one thing we value in Montana, it is our freedom. We enjoy the freedom to make decisions for ourselves and our families, without interference from nosy politicians. 
  • Tim Sheehy wants to take this freedom away. And this November, we have to stop him.
  • Last week, shocking audio was made public of Tim Sheehy calling for abortion “all to end tomorrow.” He decried abortion as “sinful,” “terrible,” and “a repulsive thing to do,” belittling the deeply personal choices that Montana women and families make about their reproductive health.
  • The recently uncovered audio was new – but Sheehy’s opposition to Montanans’ freedoms has been long known. Sheehy has been campaigning on his opposition to reproductive rights, supporting an abortion ban and opposing Montana’s constitutional initiative that would protect reproductive health care in our state. And swooping in to support him is Susan B. Anthony List, an out-of-state organization that only endorses candidates who have pledged support for banning abortion nationally.
  • Tim Sheehy is deeply out of step with Montanans on this issue – something that is clearer with each passing day.
  • What Montanans support is nothing radical. We believe that women should be able to make decisions for themselves, especially about something as personal as when and where to start a family. We believe that politicians do not know what’s best for us – and that health care decisions should be ours to make alongside our family, our faith, and our doctors.
  • We believe that no bureaucrat or politician, holed up in an office thousands of miles away, can know or understand each person’s circumstances – and that it’s not up to them to take our rights away.
  • We believe doctors should be free to give their patients the best medical advice and care they can, without having to navigate bans or restrictions. Many of us know women who have had to end their wanted pregnancies due to complications, and how crucial it was for them to have access to legal abortion in those difficult moments.
  • We believe that women living in rural Montana, who already face so many barriers to accessing care, should not have to travel hundreds and hundreds of miles across state lines to get the care they need. 
  • We believe, simply, in freedom. 
  • Tim Sheehy wouldn’t get that. He doesn’t understand our Montanaway of life, and he doesn’t understand our values. And this is clearer with every day that passes, as Sheehy doubles down on his support for banning abortion. 
  • As of Sep 9th, abortion is still legal and accessible in Montana. And ballot measure CI-128 would keep it this way by enshrining reproductive freedoms in the Montana Constitution. But reproductive rights are teetering on the brink. Montana politicians have long attacked abortion access, and they will not stop until it’s banned in our state. 
  • Tim Sheehy is right in lockstep with them. This election, we have to make our voices heard at the ballot box: Vote for Jon Tester, who will always fight for Montana women and defend our freedoms. 
  • This election, our rights are on the line. We can’t let an out-of-state multimillionaire, who doesn’t seem to understand anything about Montana, come in and take away our freedoms. Vote like your rights depend on it – because they do.

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