New Hampshire Delegation Announces $100,000 Grant to Support Energy Efficiency in Public Schools

May 9, 2023

Today, the New Hampshire delegation announced that the Mascoma Valley Regional School District, SAU 62, is among 25 winners that will receive a $100,000 cash prize to establish, train and support energy managers in their schools. Energy Champions Leading Advancement of Sustainable Schools Prize (Energy CLASS Prize) grants were funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law.

“By investing in our schools in New Hampshire, we are investing in our children’s education, health, and well-being,” said Congressman Chris Pappas. “This award will invest in our workforce and help our schools identify ways to improve indoor air quality, lower energy costs, and create a healthier learning environment. I’ll keep working to bring back funding and resources that better our schools, support our educators, and help our children grow and thrive.”

“What an exciting opportunity for Mascoma Valley Regional School District – I offer them my sincerest congratulations for being selected to receive the competitive Energy CLASS Prize,” said Senator Shaheen. “The cash prize will go a long way in helping schools in the Upper Valley support energy managers to lower schools’ energy costs, improve indoor air quality and bolster the district's climate resilience. I’m proud that the bipartisan infrastructure law continues to help Granite State communities invest in sustainable energy projects that will benefit everyone for decades to come.”

“I want to congratulate the Mascoma Valley Regional School District for winning this competitive award that will help strengthen the entire Upper Valley community,” said Senator Maggie Hassan. “This federal funding -- from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that I helped negotiate and pass into law -- will help schools in the district become more energy efficient, which in turn will help lower energy costs and create healthier learning environments for their students.”

“Congratulations to the Mascoma Valley Regional School District for being selected for an Energy CLASS Prize,” said Congresswoman Annie Kuster. “This funding will support the training of local energy managers to develop plans to lower school energy costs and carbon emissions – a win-win for our students and environment. I look forward to seeing the positive impact of this project!”

Each of the 25 winners of the Energy CLASS Prize will receive $100,000 each to train and support energy managers in their schools. The prize money has the potential to benefit more than 700,000 students in 1,300 schools across 19 states. Phase 1 Winners may be eligible for an additional $50,000 based on their performance in Phase 2.

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