Columbus, OH – It’s been another week of nothing but bad news for Bernie Moreno as he was caught using an anti-recording device to “make it much more difficult to capture his words” after he was caught “mocking” Ohio women. Relatedly, he once again doubled down on his support of a national abortion ban this week, confirming he still supports “legislation to enact a federal ban on abortions.”
Bernie was also caught lying to Ohioans again about the lawsuit after lawsuit he faced for mistreating employees, and he faced scrutiny for his pattern of refusing to take responsibility for “stiffing workers” and telling “lie after lie” to Ohioans.
Plus, recent reporting revealed Moreno promoted multiple customer testimonials that featured “current and former employees,” including “a sales representative [who] had never actually purchased a car from the dealership.”
MORENO CAN’T BE TRUSTED TO NOT MOCK OHIOANS: New reporting from Business Insider today exposes that Bernie Moreno has “a desire to hinder” Ohioans from hearing what he is saying and has purchased an anti-recording device – resembling a device “available online for roughly $400” – to “make it much more difficult to capture his words.” Moreno’s use of the device follows him “land[ing] himself in hot water” after he was caught “mocking” Ohio women and calling them “a little crazy” for wanting to make their own health care decisions.