Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Celebrate Historic Summer for Infrastructure

From: Minnesota Governor Timothy James Walz
September 16, 2024

ST. PAUL, MN - Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan are celebrating a historic summer for infrastructure and safety improvements across the state. There have been 193 road and bridge projects statewide this construction season and an additional 54 projects to improve airports, water ports, railroad crossings, and transit infrastructure. Today, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan highlighted progress on the Highway 36 project in Roseville alongside leaders from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota State Patrol, and the building and construction trades.

“From roads and bridges to water ports and railroads, we’re investing in our transportation infrastructure across the state,” said Governor Walz. “These construction projects are improving safety, strengthening commerce, and ensuring our systems are weather resilient – all while creating good-paying, union jobs.”

“Thanks to Minnesota workers, 193 road safety projects are wrapping up across the state as we gear up for winter,” said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. “With historic infrastructure investments, we’re making commutes safer and more efficient while employing hundreds of Minnesotans with family-sustaining jobs.”

Minnesota has leveraged $1.6 billion in state and federal funding to invest in the nearly 250 infrastructure projects across the state this season. Because Minnesota has the fourth largest roadway system in the nation, with an average of more than 91 million vehicle miles driven every day on the state highway system, investments in safety and efficiency are crucial to the state’s transportation system.

Governor Walz signed the two largest infrastructure bills in state history into law, including a $2.6 billion infrastructure bill in 2023 and a $1.9 billion investment in 2020.

Minnesota’s roads were ranked the best in the nation by a Consumer Affairs analysis earlier this year.

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