Governor Mills Statement Honoring Labor Day

From: Maine Governor Janet Mills
September 2, 2024

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today in honor of Labor Day: 

“On Labor Day, we honor the contributions of Maine people who have worked tirelessly to ensure that every adult can work safely and earn fair wages for their work. From the millworkers who fought for better conditions in Maine’s paper and textile factories more than a century ago to today’s workers, organizers, and advocates, Maine people have always known that we are stronger when we stand in solidarity. As Governor, I have been proud to sign legislation to enhance protections and opportunities for working people and we are committed to building on that progress.” 

Throughout her time in office, Governor Mills has worked to strengthen protections for Maine’s working people, including signing legislation expanding wage protections; strengthening retaliation protections; expanding severance pay requirements; prohibiting pay discrimination based on race, protecting employees from being required to attend so-called “captive audience” meetings; requiring a prevailing wage be paid on school and municipal projects with public funding of $50,000 or more; legislation to protect state workers from threats to privatize their jobs; legislation requiring the use of apprenticeship programs on large scale new energy projects; legislation creating a statewide paid family medical leave program; and legislation to promote pay equality by discouraging employers from basing wages on an employee’s salary history.

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